Wednesday 1 June 2016

QH3 Run 905. Pottle of Blues, Beeston

RUN #905
Date : Tuesday 31st May 2016
Location: Pottle of Blues, Beeston
Hare: Barritone
Weather: RA holding back the rain
Pack size: 14

The Pottle of Blues is another fine addition to the real ale scene of Beeston and an excellent location for the start (and especially finish) of a QH3 run. The trail too matched the appropriateness of the On Inn , a well laid urban route that had a lot of off-road and green spaces. The kind of pub and trail we would expect from Barritone haring. The RA also played her part during an evening when most expected to get wet but, despite a bit of perspiration in the air when we started, this was a dry run. 
From my unaccustomed view from the rear I was able to appreciate some good hashing today. Firstly, there was Butcher's Dog's excellent ON ON call along the path/check to the clock tower. This propelled me from 500m adrift at the back to second FRB when I realised a simple shortcut was there for the taking. Secondly, some excellent checks towards the end meant that even at walking pace I, along with Miss Takemenow, managed to keep up with the pack.
The Pottle of Blues was a small venue but cosy and friendly with a great choice of real ales and cider. Chicki led an indoor circle awarding the following;
1. Welcome back for Huffamoose; 2. Welcome back to newcomer of last year - Slug; 3. Butt Plug - supervisory checking; 4. Malteaser - not looking out for her invalid husband and then moving the car to another car park without telling him; 5. Pre-Mature - lazy checking; 6. Trianal - 'which hash were you on?' and later running atop crocodiles; 7. Lily the Pink - for contributions to the run discussion; and 8. Miss Takemenow, although a resident of Beeston still used her car to get to the hash. The run discussion had the usual complaints about no sheep or prostitutes. More unusually, Too Tuf thought he saw Trianal doing a James Bond style run across crocodiles at the university lake, or were they just stepping stones? A public vote awarded the astonishingly high accolade of 48% for the trail which the hare Barritone received to the tune of hashy birthday. 

Thanks Barritone for an excellent trail and On Inn

On On .....Durex

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