Monday 2 November 2015

QH3 Run 885. Meadow Covert, Edwalton

RUN #885
Date : Sunday 1st November 2015
Location: Meadow Covert, Edwalton
Hares: Too Tuf and Chicki
Weather: Benign
Pack size: 15

For Too Tuf the weather was benign, for me it was propitious, to most it was foggy lifting to become a nice warm sunny day. Indeed, to the west in Wales it was the warmest UK November day recorded at  22.4 deg C. What a wonderful RA we have.

A reasonably sized pack today swelled by the late arrival of Captain Oates, Paper Cups and a younger version of Captain Oates who for now we'll refer to as Private Oates. The late arrival was put down to the fact that one of this party needed to purchase some running shoes before arriving at the On Inn. Good checks meant that it wasn't long before they'd caught up the pack. You would expect nothing less of a trail set by hares that now have a combined total of 1179 (595+584) QH3 runs and have 183 (97+86) QH3 harings to their names.

It was a well constructed trail with a mixture of previously unused paths and bits we hadn't used for a long long time. Towards the end it did go a bit pear-shaped, today's A-Team (Butcher's Dog, Sausage, Durex and Butt Plug) arriving back some time before the remainder of the hashers despite the pack being together at the penultimate check. We'd thought that Captain Oates was showing his visitors why he was so named but alas the sweeping hares brought in the remnants. This didn't include today's SRBs - Wallington, IP, B*gger and Sweet Pea who finished the trail in varying degrees of completeness, the latter may have even employed a car to pick up grandchildren.

Shame the checks were all good and long meaning I clocked up 5.75 miles instead of the perfect 5.

Who would think that a November circle would be held in nice warm sunshine in the pub's beer garden? Chicki with her usual book of diverse drinking songs led the circle (minus the Quavers this week). The following awards were given:
1. IP for inappropriate questioning before we set out - he asked Too Tuf how long it was. Needless to say we all provided an answer.
2. B*gger for remotely playing with his [car's] rear end before we set out.
3. Butt Plug for successfully helping Underlay through her driving test first time around. 
4. Newly weds (Butcher's Dog and Sausage) ran from home and it was calculated this could have got them 20 more minutes at home in bed.
5. Captain Oates for his efforts in securing new shoes for his mum from 'Sports not Direct to the hash'.
6. Tim (brought to the On Inn by Sweet Pea) was welcomed to the circle.
7. Malteaser who despite 'not liking the fresh fungi on Durex's face' (quoting the RA) did find some nice mushrooms for Durex's dinner only to have them destroyed by Too Tuf. He was punished (but may have saved Durex's life).

The run discussion was led by GM B*gger. There were various moans about no sheep but the absence of any hockey players or beer festivals wasn't even mentioned. It went to a vote and for some reason got 55%.

Thanks for an excellent trail and nice to see visitors Paper Cups and 'Private Oates'. Hope to see you again...

On On..Durex

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