Sunday 15 February 2015

QH3 Run 859, Horse and Jockey, Stapleford

RUN #859
Date : Sunday 15th February 2015 (11:00)
Location: Horse and Jockey, Stapleford (NG9 8AA)
Hare: Durex
Weather: Dry, grey and not too cold
Pack size: 15

The hash standard of excellent On Inns was maintained with a visit to the Horse and Jockey in Stapleford. This was a semi-urban trail but with the trail passing through Bramcote Hill and countryside from the the White Lion in Bramcote to the cemetery  in Stapleford there was plenty of opportunity for hashers to get mud on their shoes. Checks did there job and kept Butcher's Dog with the pack. Any good hash is one that keeps Captain Oates out for 'a long while' and this was achieved as he and Ballcrusher lurking at the back managed to get into a continuous hash loop somewhere. This was only after Dobber and Wallington had found quicker and shorter routes back to the pub.
With the RA away the Curate had the opportunity to step up and lead the circle. Not so, Captain Oates had to leave early for work leaving Barritone to lead an indoor circle. This took place after more wonderful Goblin cooking products - '60' biscuits - explanation follows.
The first DD went to Sweet Pea who was reportedly going to be entertaining herself soon in Morocco. Next was Butcher's Dog who was commended for her frequent checking of false trails today, though the DD was actually for not being the Butcher's Dog clone observed by Sweet Pea on a park run. That one had 50 shades of grey in her hair. Diarrhoea was congratulated for having a very clean car. No sheep where seen on the trail, calves where mentioned in the context of Barritone's injured leg, and this led onto pigs or should I say Sauasage who got a DD as a dyslexic hasher after being heard to utter 'No No' whilst going up a hill rather than 'On On'. The hare was congratulated for a good trail and shared a DD with Dobber, both Durex and he being 60-years young in the coming week. The final DD went to Chicki who didn't do steps.
That's the way I saw it...On On ..Durex
Trail as set by Durex

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