Sunday, 8 March 2015

AH4 Run 58. The Shire Horse, Wyaston

RUN #58
Date : Saturday 7th March 2015
Location: The Shire Horse, Wyaston (DE6 2DQ) 
Hares: Durex and Malteaser
Weather: Spring-like
Pack size: 7

The sky was blue, the wind a bit chilly when exposed, but it certainly felt like spring. A very select pack of just seven set out at eleven, though, as will be revealed later, the pack of hounds
Small select pack that started the trail
increased substantially as we went around. In the absence of the usual FRBs some hashers found themselves having to do a lot of checking. Crooked Squire, having cycled 16 miles to get here, certainly did his fair share of checking the false trails. When we got to the the short-long split, the hare (me) deemed that nobody qualified to do the shorter trail. This was a real shame as I'd run an extra 2 miles to mark this earlier in the day.

The hash paused outside the Watermill, Osmaston
Just past the halfway mark we arrived in the outskirts of Osmaston where a scenic check was marked outside the watermill. Our arrival in Osmaston coincided with the start of the hunt. We had the bizarre sight of the hounds and horses being chased by the hare and hounds. Not sure what the four-legged hounds were chasing but they followed our trail for some way out of Osmaston. Twice we caught them up whilst their hounds sought out the scent. It certainly increased the number of hounds running this trail to an unprecedented large number. As we returned to the village of Wyaston the normally quite country roads were busy with a another pack seeking out the hunt, those in cars trying to keep up with the hunt.
Moist seeking out the scent of the trail whilst the rest of the 'hunt' waits at a check!
I felt a bit of a social outcast as I didn't meet anyone on this run (hashers excepted) that I knew. Crooked Squire stopped to chat to some fellow 'athletes' of his acquaintance, Wriggle knew several of those following the hunt, as did Moist who looked as though she was doing a bit of curb crawling when we arrived at the On Inn.
The circle was short and quick so we could get on with eating. Crooked Squire got a DD as sustenance for his cycle journey home and Moist for the aforementioned curb crawling. The trail was declared a good run with a special mention of the excellent weather and the added bonus of running with the hunt.
A lovely morning spent hashing...On On ...Durex
Trail as set by Durex (long and short)
Total of 15 miles with the setting and sweeping the trail!


  1. Since when has Moist been twice the height of Wriggle?

    1. ...and so much bigger than all those horses!
