Wednesday, 14 May 2014

MH3 Run 251 Furnace Inn, Derby

RUN #251
Date: Monday 12th May 2014
Location: Furnace Inn, Derby (DE1 3BX)
Hare: Barritone
Weather: Between showers 
Pack size: 17

Well that's another fine real ale pub we've hashed from in 2014! Barritone, our freshly half-centurial hare, has discovered an excellent hashing pub - Furnace Inn, Derby 2014 Camra pub of the year.

Happy 50th Birthday Barritone
The trail went out through Darley Abbey park and up to the toll bridge across the Derwent. Here the whole pack, even Dobber at walking pace, broke the 2 mph speed limit. Indeed this was a fast trail taking us out on to the 'Great Northern Greenway' a cycleway we've never quite managed to incorporate into a Derby hash trail before.

In the circle FRB Beefeater received the first DD (racing past Dobber to get to the On Inn first). Others were awarded to SCBs Durex and Diarrhoea (intelligent hashing taking the shortest route between two points); Malteaser (falling of a log in Darley Abbey park); B*gger (not calling); and Trianal for a very nifty sports jacket. 

Despite not having a single sheep on a Derbyshire trail, the hare was awarded a good run and received the hashy birthday treatment. This included very tasty biscuits in the shape of a '50' specially commissioned by Goblin.

To round off the evening we had live music including several unaccompanied offerings from Barritone.

A good way to spend a Monday evening.

On On ....Durex

Trail as done by Durex

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