Location: The Embankment, Nottingham
Hares: Too Tuf and Chicki
Weather: A dry window in an otherwise wet day
Pack size: 9
On a wet day like this you might be tempted to turn up with Wellington boots and an umbrella, though not on our hash where RA Chicki managed to open a window of dry weather for the evening. Dry weather, but still dark after 7 pm meaning we're now into the season of urban hashing for our Monday evening trails and torches very necessary. Considering the trail was laid the day before the flour had stuck remarkably well. However, there were long stretches where we ran on an ingredient of invisible flour - not even the brightest torch or hasher could find it. The hares shepherded us around and our latecoming visitor from the Boston Hash (Swedish Eagle) did well to find the ON OUT across Trent Bridge. An interesting shaped trail with two crossovers.
What's not to enjoy about the splendid ON INN that is the Embankment with and excellent choice of beers. In the circle the RA gave the following awards:
1. Puss 'n Boots for stalking the trail yestersday;
2. Lily the Pink for failing to trust the RA's weather control and putting her phone in a plastic bag to stop it getting wet;
3. Smutley whose Smart car became a left luggage office just managing to squeeze in Lily the Pink's broken head torch;
4. Swedish Eagle, visitor from the Boston Hash and latecomer. (He concluded our circle with a song and invited us all the the Boston Marathon hash event);
5. Pre-Mature seen running backwards and AGAIN had a challenging time safely crossing the road;
6. Diarrhoea who correctly predicted where the trail would go having set a hash from Sneinton over in this direction some time ago, demonstrating that this wasn't all the virgin trail the hares anticipated; and
7. The hares Too Tuf and Chicki were congratulated for a good run. Passing the Cheese Cake Shop was a nice touch but lost points as it was shut. After a public vote of 35% this was further reduced to 30% when the visitor complained about not marking the start for latecomers.
That's how my Monday evening turned out.