Monday, 18 May 2015

QH3 Run 868, Gate Inn, Awsworth

QH3 RUN #868
Date : Sunday 17 May 2015 (11:00)
Location: Gate Inn, Awsworth (NG16 2RN)
Hares: Durex and Malteaser
Weather: Cloudy but dry
Pack size: 15

It has been nearly two years since we ran from this On Inn, a surprising fact given that the pub serves and excellent range of real ales and with numerous footpaths in every direction the area is good for hashing trails in its now semi-bucolic setting.

I have an obvious bias in reporting on this excellent trail but it did go rather well considering we were last resort hares. Malteaser did come on a recce for this trail but fell within the first mile breaking her brand new glasses but fortunately not herself. The fourth check was one that all hares love to include - eight false trails from one point. It was where Chicki after her burst of front-running activity found herself back at the rear of the pack. I did try and be nice to the RA most the way around, always good to keep on the good side of the RA, as with the pack. Hence, the pork pies provided at the On Inn.Psychojellic, an obvious accomplished r*nner, acquainted herself with many of the false trails, so much much energy for one that had already BEFORE the hash negotiated the IKEA trail. Diarrhoea ran the entire trail in his fleece, obviously not adjusted back to the English climate.
Our new RA Chicki not only had the weather under control but also ran the circle in a refreshingly new manner. The circle was fun. We should never forget that hashing in more than just r*nning a trail. The new beer master Too Tuf was offering a wide range of beers for the Down-Downs, no cider required this week. DDs were offered and accepted by all in the following order:
  1. Too Tuf for making a dog's breakfast of the dog's breakfast;
  2. Goblin for attempted puppy-napping;
  3. IP for wife abuse and the impressive Jag;
  4. B*gger for RA abuse (claiming he had rarely seen Chicki checking so much) and the automatic opening/closing boot on his new car;
  5. Wallington for a new car (we did cover details of what cruise control meant);
  6. Ballcrusher for bush checking, that's what he said he was doing;
  7. Psychojellic for her first run with the Quorn Hash;
  8. Barritone, hashy birthday, shame the cake all went last Monday;
  9. Malteaser - falterer, the hare that fell on the recce;
  10. Durex, the other hare, for a good run though somewhat tarnished with RA abuse. RA claimed she had a list of all the DDs in her head, Durex thought that would be very easy to do as there was so much empty space there; and finally,
  11. Dope, for self-advertisement, running with a Dope T-Shirt.
That's the way I saw our hashing Sunday, On On...Durex

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