Sunday, 20 July 2014

QH3 Run 838 Chez Chicki & Tuf, West Bridgford

RUN #838
Date :Sunday 20th July 2014
Location: Chez Chicki & Too Tuf
Hares: Too Tuf and Chicki
Weather: Warm and dry
Pack size: 10

QH3 Run 838 - Trail as done by Durex (5.84 miles)
A small pack for this week's hash from Chez Chicki & Tuf in West Bridgford, Nottingham. Was it the thrill of a sub-urban trail on a nice summer's day, the start of the holiday season, the need to do ones hair or just work getting in the way that kept people away?
With a core pack of just five (Underlay and grandchild Amara were slow moving Turkeys and Enema turned up late) meant there was no hiding from checking with both Sausage and Butcher's Dog doing more than their fair share. Sausage was on a bit of a roll (sausage roll?) so I chose to follow him. I even got a lift for the last 10 metres of the trail!

Assistance was provided at the end of the trail!
The sun shone on the ON INN in Chez Chicki & Tuf's back garden. Plenty of food and drink provided by our hosts though there weren't enough hashers present to award the 42% at the run discussion.
RA Butt Plug awarded DDs to: Butcher's Dog (ignoring the RA on the way to the run); Sausage (showing off his cycling injuries); myself (doing the On INN in a wheelchair); Diarrhoea (very old disintegrating hash shoes);  Enema (the hash trail was a second priority this morning); Underlay (taking 16 hours to do the turkey trail); and of course the hares for a good run, the long list of 'deficiencies' listed by the hare outweighed by the provision of a very nice veggie chilli.

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